Bocas Del Toro, Panama

August 10-14  |  Bocas Del Toro, Panama

Bocas Del Toro, Panama August 10-14

Not the island hot spot I thought. It’s like Carson City, Nevada, just a restroom stop, fried chicken gulp before the onslaught of Las Vegas. It felt, to me, like there was a hustle around every corner along with swarms of mosquitos or biting gnats.

That being said, the food and drinks were phenomenal and all of the transplants to Bocas were very kind and enjoyed having a chat. If you ever go, make sure you make it to Arboloco and the Cosmic Crab! Both are fantastic! If you are looking for something few have seen, grab a taxi to the plastic bottle house, it is a humbling sight to behold.

Incidentally, the flying critters are no joke, bring some hefty bug spray. When we finally made our way to Costa Rica I had no fewer than 52 itchy welts and blisters on my legs and arms. Apparently, I’m allergic to the biting gnats, which is common. With my legs and most of my arms covered in calamine lotion, lovingly applied by Chris, we moved along to our next stay near an ebony sanded beach in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica.